Data Analysis & Reporting

Every business has data which when collected, stored, cleaned, organized, consolidated, analyzed and interpreted by a trained mind yields valuable insights into the business which helps in making strategic business planning decisions & operations efficiency improvements. However, the volume, complexity and often unstructured nature of the data confound & overwhelm the small businesses that often miss out on discovering the wealth of insight that the data can reveal.

Commerce cabin understands the problem of small businesses and helps with ongoing data analysis & reporting services. We help you setting up or improving your data collection & storage systems & help automate the cleansing and collating of the data to improve the overall quality of the data to enable efficient analysis & interpretation.

We have experience with data analysis for manufacturing, services & retail companies (brick & mortar as well as online retailers) with analysis of operations – manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, customer services in terms of productivity, cycle time, turnaround, cost of production to measure past performance, compare current performance to past performance, benchmarks, variance from norm and other such metrics.

Routine reporting to track performance
  • Trend analysis & Forecasting
  • Create alerts to identify potential problems and opportunities in advance using predictive statistical methods
We use appropriate statistical methodologies for data analysis modeling:
  • Summarization & Visualization of data
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Time series analysis
  • Regression analysis
  • Correlation analysis
