Online Ad Retargeting Services

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that targets consumers based on their actions online, such as visiting an advertiser’s website. A “cookie-based” technology, retargeting is used to reconnect with these site visitors around the Internet on sites utilizing corresponding ad networks or a specific social media website or app. Retargeting is an extremely powerful way to re-engage site visitors who are already familiar with an advertiser’s brand, products or services, nurturing them down the path to purchase.
Retargeting is a marketing tactic that can be deployed in all industries and business models. E-commerce marketers utilize Facebook Dynamic Product Ads and Google Dynamic Remarketing products to bring customers back to websites to complete their unfinished transactions, while B2B marketers frequently use remarketing to nurture business-to-business leads with long sales cycles.

How Does Retargeting Work?

Retargeting works by displaying ads to individuals who are contained within your retargeting audiences. Retargeting audiences are collected in many different ways but are primarily gathered by identifying previous visitors to your website. This identification process is possible by adding “cookies” to the visitor’s browser via a pixel or code snippet that has been placed within the website code. Because retargeting cookies and pixels are specific to each ad platform, these audiences are specific to each ad platform and grow independently from each other.
Most retargeting ad impressions are delivered by use of the Google Display Network and a few social media ads platforms (primarily Facebook). Although in most cases, the ad impressions they deploy on are still through Google Ad Words or Facebook, there are many “ad networks” that provide remarketing platforms.
Marketers can create retargeting audiences based on the amount of time since a site visitor’s last visit to a specific web page or site. These durations can vary by days, weeks, months and, in the case of Google Ad Words remarketing, years. In these time periods, advertisers can deploy ads to incentivize remarketing audiences to revisit the site to buy products/services or provide them with new offerings.

Is Retargeting Effective?

Yes. Retargeting is a powerful tactic for reaching highly targeted audiences who already have an interest in an advertiser’s product or service and is also a very cost-effective approach. Historically, Commerce cabin has found cost-per-click for retargeting campaigns to be lower relative to most other ad-targeting methods, which contributes to lowering conversion costs and boosting return on ad spend.

What Sets Commerce cabin’s Retargeting Approach Apart

While some other online advertising agencies might focus solely on brand awareness — such as how many impressions your retargeting ads receive – Commerce cabin is driven by results that impact an advertiser’s bottom line and works with clients to determine their unique goals.
We will segment and create the retargeting audiences, develop ad creative specific to those audiences and test that ad creative to maximize conversion.

Commerce cabin manages online ad retargeting campaigns on:
  • Google Ad Words Remarketing via the Google Display Network (GDN), Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs) and dynamic product remarketing
  • Bing Ads Remarketing via paid search
  • Twitter Remarketing inside the Twitter environment
  • Facebook Retargeting via Face book’s Custom Audiences and Dynamic Product Ads

Remarketing is an important part of our online advertising services. The amount we invest for advertisers is dependent on the returns it brings back to the advertiser.
